Tag: laziness

Everyone Has The Same 24 Hours

We all have the same amount of time each and every single day. What we do with that time is entirely up to us. We usually find ourselves saying, “I do not have enough time for ____ because ____.” Fill in the first blank with something on your goal or bucket list, such as “work out more,” …

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Five Reasons To Get Off The Couch

This article gives you five reasons why you should peel yourself off your couch, get energized, and choose to live a more active lifestyle right now. The term “couch” is figurative, however, and can represent anything that is holding you back from doing the things you really want to be doing with your time. And to be …

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10 Time-Savers That Eliminate Chores

Hate chores? Me too. Sometimes it can be very satisfying to clean your house when you have the time; but there is the kicker – when do you have the time? Chores are necessary, mundane tasks that keep you from doing the things that enrich your life. Personally, I would rather be hiking ridges, diving …

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Exercise Becomes More Important As You Age

I notice as I get older that my body changes in ways I do not expect. One change is the relentless accumulation of fat on my outer thighs. I never noticed this as a “problem area” before, but it seems that my body prefers to keep a little pooch there as a just-in-case fund. This is …

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5 Reasons Why We’re Fat

In every relationship there is always some give-and-take – sometimes you give, sometimes you take. In our relationship with food, this refers to giving and taking responsibility. We as individuals are ultimately responsible for our health and well-being; however, as a society we do not make it very easy for ourselves to make individual responsible …

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Rediscover Your Kitchen

“Never has a culture spent more to remodel and techno-glitz its kitchens, but at the same time been more lost as to where the kitchen is and what it’s for.” – Excerpt from Joel Salatin’s “Declare Your Independence” from the book Food, Inc. We “oooh” and “aaah” over granite counter tops, wood cabinets, festive back splashes, and …

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Why Aren’t You Running?

My friend ran a quarter marathon yesterday and was debriefing me on his experience. He ran less than a 7-minute mile for the whole 6.55 mile race. Pretty darn good for a guy who could not finish one mile a mere 3 years ago. I was very proud of him and congratulated him. Then he asked me, “Why aren’t …

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