Category: Mind

Letting go of yesterday

Why is letting go of yesterday so hard? Why do we feel pulled into the past as if lingering there mentally will allow us to prolong it? And why would we want to prolong it? The days pass ne’er to return. And depending on how much emotion and energy we experience in them, we may …

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A stepping stone path between wheat stalks.

Be grateful, but don’t settle

Being grateful for what we have doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for a better life. It’s always okay to improve our lives according to what’s most important to us. Sometimes, our lives are abundant – filled with love, happiness, and fortune. Other times, they’re not. Most of the time, we teeter-totter in between. Wanting life …

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Issue: January 2023

This month’s issue is about new beginnings and letting go of the past, letting it all be enough, and embracing the new. Read: The Be Well Place January 2023 issue Download the issue and revisit it when you’re feeling stuck. And please share with someone you think could use a little lift. I hope it’s …

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Lighten up, loosen up

It rarely feels good when people tell us to “lighten up.” And the exact opposite usually happens. We’re more likely to tighten our grip and bear down harder than heed such unsolicited advice. But despite people’s intentions when they tell us to lighten up or loosen up, there’s a lot of wisdom in those sayings. …

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Life Transformation Starts with Self-Forgiveness

Life Transformation Starts With Self-Forgiveness

Life transformation starts with self-forgiveness. We have to clean the slate before we can build a new, sturdy foundation. And we have to practice acceptance at the most basic level, starting with ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, imperfections, and embarrassments. We must accept that we aren’t perfect and will probably continue …

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There Are No Risks In Life - The Be Well Place

There Are No Risks in Life

Feeling afraid lately? Maybe you’re faced with a choice that seems risky, but you know it’ll get you what you want. Maybe you feel like you’re on the edge of something and you must decide whether to jump forward or retreat. If you jump, there’s no telling where you’ll land. But if you retreat, you’ll …

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Inspirational Quotes for Women - The Be Well Place and FTD

Be the Change to Celebrate Women’s History Month

I can be skeptical and slow to trust people. Especially when people I’ve never met email me out of the blue about articles they think I’d like on my website. But I’m so glad I let my guard down last week when the incredible Alexandria Heinz from FTD messaged me about International Women’s Day. It’s …

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Learn to Move On Quickly - The Be Well Place

Learn to Move On Quickly

When something goes wrong, or when we don’t get what we want, we tend to dwell on it far too long. We let our minds hang out there as if thinking about every scenario and how things could have been different or what everybody did and said will keep it alive so that we still have …

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What To Do When You Wake Up With Self-Doubt

What To Do When You Wake Up With Self-Doubt

Some mornings you wake up feeling like you can conquer the world. Other mornings…mmm…not so much. Maybe during the night, your brain processed all the recent happenings and started feeling intimidated by yesterday’s successes. Or maybe it relaxed because it felt secure, but then all the gremlins escaped through the cracks while it was sleeping. Either …

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