Nothing is permanent. We know it, we say it – but in order to experience the benefits of this truth, we must adopt the concept fully and see it as something empowering, not scary. Life is impermanent. We all have an end date, though we don’t necessarily know when that is. This isn’t scary or morbid or …
Category: Monday Motivation
Monday Motivation: Taking the First Step
The first step is the hardest to take – but it doesn’t have to be. In order to truly get outside our comfort zones and do the things we think we cannot do, we must: Let go of other people’s expectations Let go of the fear of not being perfect Put one foot in front …
Monday Motivation: Let Go Of Being Perfect
This week’s Monday Motivation is all about letting go of the fear of not being perfect. If you missed the last two episodes, you can check them out here: Episode #1: Getting Outside Our Comfort Zones Episode #2: Letting Go Of Other People’s Expectations It’s normal to want to be good at whatever it is …
Monday Motivation: Letting Go Of People’s Expectations
In last week’s Monday Motivation, we talked about getting outside our comfort zones. This week, we focus on letting go of other people’s expectations. Whenever we make a life change, embark on a new journey, or do something we’ve never done before, we typically want to share what we’re up to with our friends and …
Monday Motivation Is Back – And Better Than Ever!
Hey there, I’m so excited to announce that Monday Motivation is back AND it’s now in video form. Woo! I can almost hear your shouts of joy through the interwebs… I hope this is a better way to deliver some inspiration first thing Monday morning. Please email me your feedback or let me know if …
Monday Motivation: You Are Who You Say You Are
It’s so easy to define ourselves by individual moments. You know, when we mess up or win an award, we think to ourselves, “This is it! This is who I am!” But we aren’t just the one thing that we’ve done. We aren’t even the pattern of behavior we’ve exhibited throughout the years. We are …
Monday Motivation: Feelings Are Fleeting
A feeling is but a fleeting thought jetpacking through our inner universe. Too hippie for a Monday? Okay, fine… A feeling is but a fleeting thought that we think with every morsel of our being. Better? Anyways… The point is this: feelings, no matter how strong they seem, come and go. They don’t stay…unless we …
Monday Motivation: Conquer Your Monsters
We all have monsters in our lives that we fear. But our fear is irrational. And it can go away if we want it to. There are two ways we can conquer our monsters: Acknowledge the monster and recognize it as something we made up in our heads. (Because, you know, stuff we make up in our heads …
Monday Motivation: You Deserve Your Own Love
When we’re taught to serve others, share, and practice other acts of selflessness on a daily basis, it’s so easy to forget about our own needs. As paradoxical as it may seem, we mustn’t forget to serve ourselves, share with ourselves, and practice acts of selflessness toward ourselves. Now, this doesn’t mean that we are to …
Monday Motivation: Life Is Too Short To Not Have Fun
Do you know how many years you have left? Weeks, days, minutes? Neither do I. This is not a tragedy, nor is death itself. Nay, this is an opportunity. If life were permanent, we’d never appreciate it fully. If life were permanent, we’d never appreciate it fully. #LifeIsShort Click To Tweet We are given a …