Tag: laugh

Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success. - C. S. Lewis

Be Open to Failure

One of the reasons we hesitate to try new things is that we’re afraid to fail. Maybe we expect to fail, but we are afraid to look like a fool. We may even be a bit lazy. But there’s so much life to live. So many things to know. So many skills to develop. So …

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Monday Motivation: Life Is Too Short To Not Have Fun

Do you know how many years you have left? Weeks, days, minutes? Neither do I. This is not a tragedy, nor is death itself. Nay, this is an opportunity. If life were permanent, we’d never appreciate it fully. If life were permanent, we’d never appreciate it fully. #LifeIsShort Click To Tweet We are given a …

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