We all have weak moments. But that doesn’t make us weak. There’s always a speck of strength glittering atop the mounds of doubt and fatigue. And it’s the choice to focus on that speck, dig it up, and be vulnerable and uncomfortable for a while that makes us strong. Regardless if the outcome is victorious.
Please, sweet readers, you’re not weak because you have weak moments. You’re not weak when you have feelings and express those feelings. You’re not weak because other people want you to think you are because it makes them feel less weak.
If you experience feelings and failure, and you pull up your bootstraps and carry on, you’re strong. You may still carry such feelings and failures on your shoulders for a while, but if you don’t let them define you, you’re strong.
No need to be a superhero. No need to be infallible and unfaltering. Just be you. Be you when you’re down. Be you as you pick yourself back up. Be you through and throughout and you’ll be the strongest you that you’ve always been.