You are capable of more than you allow yourself to believe. Everything you’ve ever heard, been told, seen, done, not done – it’s all been bounded. We don’t always mean to, but we tend to create boundaries around our capabilities and then live like we’re surrounded by a moat filled with lava. But that’s all …
Tag: encouragement
Action Is an Antidote for Anxiety
We worry, worry, worry. Then something happens, or nothing happens, or things happen differently than we thought. Then we worry some more. But worrying is not productive and doesn’t help alleviate the problem or change the future. If you can’t seem to get your thoughts in line and settle your nerves, try taking action. Not …
There’s Strength in Your Weakness
We all have weak moments. But that doesn’t make us weak. There’s always a speck of strength glittering atop the mounds of doubt and fatigue. And it’s the choice to focus on that speck, dig it up, and be vulnerable and uncomfortable for a while that makes us strong. Regardless if the outcome is victorious. …