Tag: happiness

Letting go of yesterday

Why is letting go of yesterday so hard? Why do we feel pulled into the past as if lingering there mentally will allow us to prolong it? And why would we want to prolong it? The days pass ne’er to return. And depending on how much emotion and energy we experience in them, we may …

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A stepping stone path between wheat stalks.

Be grateful, but don’t settle

Being grateful for what we have doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for a better life. It’s always okay to improve our lives according to what’s most important to us. Sometimes, our lives are abundant – filled with love, happiness, and fortune. Other times, they’re not. Most of the time, we teeter-totter in between. Wanting life …

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"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Think Back, Move Forward

We talk a lot about living in the present moment because the past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. Of course, thinking back on past mistakes and successes helps you make better decisions in the present and propel you toward a better future. But how far back should you think? Are memories from …

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"It seems that fighting is a game where everybody is the loser." - Zora Neale Hurston

Ignoring Isn’t Igrnorant

A lot of people value combat. Even in daily disputes. But combat consumes a lot of energy and doesn’t guarantee desirable outcomes. And just like judging or gossiping, anytime we combat others, we’re representing ourselves – not necessarily the situation or another person. When we yell, curse, throw, punch, or smite, we show the world …

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"You aren't your work, your accomplishments, your possessions, your home, your family... your anything. You're a creation of your Source, dressed in a physical human body intended to experience and enjoy life on Earth." - Wayne Dyer

Might as Well Enjoy

We’re going to get to the end no matter what thoughts we think, words we say, or decisions we make. We’re going to face the end of the chores, the projects, the tough times, the good times. We’re going to face the end of our lives. So, why go through it all frazzled and stressed? …

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"I'm not perfect. And who knows how many times I've fallen short. We all fall short. That's the amazing thing about the grace of God." - Tim Tebow

Most of the Time

The purpose of our lives is not to achieve perfection. And it’s arguable that life is inherently perfect or that everything about our lives is already part of a perfect whole. Regardless, it’s just not necessary to strive for perfection all of the time. Maybe some pivotal moments require a flawless performance. Maybe some critical opportunities …

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“Be curious, not judgemental.” - Walt Whitman

You Are What You Judge

Do you know that your judgment of others is a reflection of you? And how you feel about yourself? It rarely has anything to do with the people you’re judging. See, judgment is a defense mechanism that helps us justify our lives and maintain a sense of control. But control is something we seek when …

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"I choose to live, not just exist." - James Hetfield

Pursue or Pivot?

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether to stay on a path or get off and reroute. Whether the road ahead is dreary, bright, promising, or unclear – the choice to move forward can be paralyzing. So, how do you decide? How you do know which path is the right choice? Well, you don’t. All you can …

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"The ability to forgive is one of man's greatest achievements." - Bryant H. McGill

What Is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is not about making someone say “I’m sorry.” It’s not about hanging our heads in shame or lamenting our wrongdoings. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, who’s better or worse. Most day-to-day experiences do not require such a strong emotional emphasis. In fact, they require the opposite. They require us to let go …

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