Tag: self-worth

"The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself." - Lao Tzu

Don’t Change, Be Better

There’s no point in trying to change who you are. You are who you are, and that’s lovely. Sometimes, you may not be the best version of yourself. But that doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your personality and everything that makes you you. Instead, you should leverage who you are. All the good and …

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"It seems that fighting is a game where everybody is the loser." - Zora Neale Hurston

Ignoring Isn’t Igrnorant

A lot of people value combat. Even in daily disputes. But combat consumes a lot of energy and doesn’t guarantee desirable outcomes. And just like judging or gossiping, anytime we combat others, we’re representing ourselves – not necessarily the situation or another person. When we yell, curse, throw, punch, or smite, we show the world …

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"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman Vincent Peale

Prove to Yourself

You are capable of more than you allow yourself to believe. Everything you’ve ever heard, been told, seen, done, not done – it’s all been bounded. We don’t always mean to, but we tend to create boundaries around our capabilities and then live like we’re surrounded by a moat filled with lava. But that’s all …

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I love life. I think it's fantastic. Sometimes it deals hard things, and when it deals great things, you have to seize them. - Sam Taylor-Johnson

Fall in Love with Your Life

Life gets weird and messy, and sometimes things don’t turn out the way we envision. But it’s still possible to be happy, and all those twists and turns can be a gifts. It just takes time to see it that way. Instead of harboring anger, resentment, or jealousy, it’s better take ownership over our lives …

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Think not that humility is weakness; it shall supply the marrow of strength to thy bones. - Charles Spurgeon

There’s Strength in Your Weakness

We all have weak moments. But that doesn’t make us weak. There’s always a speck of strength glittering atop the mounds of doubt and fatigue. And it’s the choice to focus on that speck, dig it up, and be vulnerable and uncomfortable for a while that makes us strong. Regardless if the outcome is victorious. …

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As we distribute ourselves, we may abandon ourselves. - Sherry Turkle

You Don’t Need “Likes” to Live

In the age of social media, it’s easy to crave attention and validation that you’re living an awesome life. But you don’t need anyone to acknowledge you to feel good about yourself. You don’t need other people’s approval and praise. All you need to know is that your thoughts, decisions, and actions are aligned with …

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Life Transformation Starts with Self-Forgiveness

Life Transformation Starts With Self-Forgiveness

Life transformation starts with self-forgiveness. We have to clean the slate before we can build a new, sturdy foundation. And we have to practice acceptance at the most basic level, starting with ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, imperfections, and embarrassments. We must accept that we aren’t perfect and will probably continue …

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Learn to Move On Quickly - The Be Well Place

Learn to Move On Quickly

When something goes wrong, or when we don’t get what we want, we tend to dwell on it far too long. We let our minds hang out there as if thinking about every scenario and how things could have been different or what everybody did and said will keep it alive so that we still have …

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Gratitude Check: How to Practice Gratitude Daily - The Be Well Place

Gratitude Check: How to Practice Gratitude Daily

It’s so easy to focus on what we are without, but it feels so much better to practice gratitude and fill our minds with thoughts of acceptance. Gratitude gives us peace, purpose and joyful contentment. This feeling phenomenon draws much interest and is currently a hot topic in health care and psychology. Harvard Health reports …

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Monday Motivation: Taking the First Step

The first step is the hardest to take – but it doesn’t have to be. In order to truly get outside our comfort zones and do the things we think we cannot do, we must: Let go of other people’s expectations Let go of the fear of not being perfect Put one foot in front …

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